Sunday, July 12, 2009

Two Babies - Busy Parents (and Grandparents)

I don't think we could do it without help from the Grandmas. Grammy Dianne left on June 30th, and Grandma Brown came on July 2nd. Daddy has been home most of the time with Paternity Leave and the week of July 4th a company holiday. Daddy goes back to work full time tomorrow. Grandma Brown will be here for another week. Then we are on our own...for two weeks until Grammy Dianne comes back. Juggling two has been managable with 3 adults, but it is still tough.
The babies are doing well. They had their 2 month birthday last week and weigh in at over double thier birth weights. Cambria was 8 lb 12 oz (4 lb 2 oz at birth) and Aegean weighed in at 7 lb 7 oz (2 lb 15 oz at birth). Aegean still wears his breathing/heart monitor, but we are pretty comfortable taking it off for several hours at a time. He has occasional slow heart rate when the reflux acts up, mostly during his bottle. He has had 2-3 per week at during sleep, but he self recovers. Once he stops all alarms for 1 month, we can free him from the monitor. At this point we are still happy keeping it on. You can see how Aegean has filled out.