Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10 Months

Four months ago We posted the babies 6th month Birthday. Yesterday the Cambria and Aegean were 10 months old. Aegean is cruising around whith his army crawl. Cambria rolls to her back, scoots on her head with her back arched, then rolls back to her stomach. Both are mobile, but Aegean has gotten fast enough that Cambria can't get away. We think Cambria is getting motivated to army crawl too.

We are having a great time as a family. We have also had several visitors. Sperry's Aunt Beverly, Ed, Cousin Janet, Brad, Kalena, and Landon.

Yesterday Laura checked on the babies after a nap to find Aegean standing in his crib. Both are eating Cheerios, and Aegean thought it was hilarious to feed daddy too. Cambria would rather keep the Cheerios for herself.

The Grandpa Mitch and Grammy have stayed, and Aunti Lynn is back from Florida.
The babies had their first babysitter, and 5 others ready to go.
Mom and Dad also celebrated Valentines Day/Mom's birthday dining in the dark while Grammy took care of the kids.

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